Monday, May 23, 2011

New Cauldron Page

Alright, now we get to start getting a look at what this thing is.

 Hey! I'm going to start reminding everybody that I'm going to be at the super sweet Summit City Comic Con June 18th! I'll have a table representing Red Rocket again. I'll have copies of RocketBoy, Cauldron, and some copies of the mini I did. Plus art and stuff. And, I'd love to be commissioned. Some other rad guys and girls will be there, too, like my buddy Tim Baron, who'll have copies of his new book, which looks amazing! 

You can follow me on twitter here and the con here. Hope to see you all there!

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Cauldron Page and Other Comic Stuff

Livi's tired of not knowing rhat's going on, too. She doesn't quite know why she's scared suddenly, but she's gonna find out.

A bit comics journalism: Matt McClure from the IPFW Communicator contacted me about contributing to their comics themed issue of The Communicator. I agreed. They sent me a story. The story was about Lloy Ball retiring. It was a fun little project. Quick turnaround. Not en ought time to dwell.
Above is the final color version, below the sketch.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Columbo Contemplates His Lost Keys

My submission to the group sketchblog I'm a part of: Columbo!  Gotta admit: I don't know much about this guy other than a few episodes I watched on a little RCA TV with one of those UHF/VHF dials and rabbit ears at my Grandma's. I'd prolly like it, the character is interesting visually, but, you know how these things go....

Brush pen, with some PS toning. I left the scanned sketchbook rings in homage to the whole P.I. thing. It might be cheesy, though....

Original sketch is 8" x 10" Brush pen on paper. Can be part of your collection if you're a lover of 70's detective stories starring dumpy, dirty old heroes. Drop me a line if you want it.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Greedo's Last Bad Choice

I've been lucky to be included in a group of comic lovers and artists who have a collective blog over at Summit City Ink. We've begun using it as a group sketchblog where we all throw up our versions of a theme onto the blog. This is the first week and the theme was Greedo. I love me some Star Wars so this was pretty fun.

You know, after all these years of being a Star Wars nerd, I've never really considered wether or not Han actually shot first. I was always just into the whole unpredictable cowboy/rebel thing of Han's and thought it was cooler than whiny Luke. Does it matter? Probably not. Not sure I would have waited either.

 Plus, Han was more funny.


If you like my little attempt, I'd be willing to part with it. 8"x10" ink on paper. Drop a line if you want it. More to come!

Monday, May 02, 2011

New Cauldron Page

New page in the story - - Does Livi start to put it all together? 
What happens when she does?