Thursday, May 08, 2008

Getting Tired Of Waiting For A Breeze

A little illustrator illo of a sad robot. Which poses not the question "Do robots get sad?" but "Do robots get Glad or garbage on their feet?" It's kind of a continuation of a themed set of drawings in which robots stand in for humans in everyday prosaic moments. I got the idea when i was spending too much time reading blogs while my kids were squealing with joy outside with their own bubbles. I wondered what it would be like for robots try to do something like trying to blow bubbles without lungs. The working title for the series is "The Day The Machines Took Over".

What's interesting, to me at least, is that I created this in CS3 at work and when I sent it home, and opened it in Illustrator 10, it darkened all the colors and switched them to grays. I hadn't flattened the image before sending, because I wasn't expecting it to do this. It turned it into a much more sombre and dark drawing. The first was more wistful melancholy, this is more stark.

I guess...


Tim Baron said...

You should post both.

Cool work on your page sketches. Got your post. The graphic novel thing is so frustrating, when I finally do get time to work on th ething, I sit down and get drawing block. Terrible feeling.

countvonsexy said...

Wowsers, Penny.

I like it dark. Looks good. Can't wait to see some more from the set.